If noone knows what gstaticcom represents it is a google static server that redirects to different websites and some other ip adresses Do not load this address because it will not load because it is an inaccessible server created by Google.
WebAuth redirect does not work WLC/ISE Cisco Community
Bei Problemen und Fehlermeldungen mit der connectivitycheckgstaticcom Webseite gibt es eine Reihe von Punkten die man abarbeiten kann um die Verbindung herzustellen erneut verbinden – man.
No Internet on Android ,Gets http://connectivitycheck
Every Android device requests https//connectivitycheckgstaticcom/generate_204 after connecting to a wireless network This page hosted by google is empty and returns a 204 status code Most captive portals use status code 200 to serve a page or 203 to redirect somewhere hence this works as a simple check whether the device is behind a portal.
October 2018 Enterprise Networking The Big Picture
Connectivitycheck gstatic comhttp generate 204
flow on guest Chrome: Redirection Cisco Bug: CSCvj04703
DNS Fix to keep Android Splash Page and the Captive …
I have this same issue even before the user gets past the web redirect acl the controller is proxying connections to connectivitycheckgstaticcom and replying to the client /generate_204 which tells the client its not behind a captive portalso the.