Spotted Gum Cladding. Spotted gum is used in engineering applications such as wharf and bridge construction railway sleepers crossarms and mining timbers It is suitable for a range of building applications such as posts and poles framing flooring lining decking and cladding Spotted gum is also used in the manufacture of veneer and plywood.
Spotted Gum Battens 30 X 30mm Timber Rose from Timber & Rose
Spotted gum is one of Australia’s premium native hardwoods with a striking appearance and a high degree of natural durability and strength making it an ideal timber for a variety of structural exterior and interior applications.
InStyle QLD Spotted Gum Cladding Raw Classic Shiplap Bowens
This timber is raw yet suitable for oiling staining and painting Available in random lengths InStyle timber cladding provides a cost effective and visually stunning finish for external lining boards It is available in other profiles and timber species to suit your façade For further information on InStyle QLD Spotted Gum Cladding Raw.
Spotted Gum Cladding Greenhill Timbers
Thanks to the strength and resilience of Spotted Gum it’s the ideal choice for a wide variety of structural applications including both indoor and exterior projects Loved by architects and designers it can be used in everything from wharf and bridge construction to framing flooring decking and cladding Features.
Spotted Gum Corymbia maculata Mortlock Timber
Spotted Gum Cladding Spotted Gum Cladding uses Australian Spotted Gum timber in our range of profiles Our Tongue & Groove Cladding system in Spotted Gum provides character to a project with the natural variation in colour giving.
Spotted Gum Battens 30 X 30mm Timber Rose
SPOTTED GUM Kennedy’s Timbers
Timber Cladding Walls Sculptform
PermaTimber® CX Original Cladding Spotted Gum Bowens