Suhu Tokyo January 2019. This is a list of cities by average temperature (monthly and yearly) The temperatures listed are averages of the daily highs and lows Thus the actual daytime temperature in a given month will be 3 to 10 °C (5 to 18 °F) higher than the temperature listed here depending on how large the difference between daily highs and lows is.

Japanese Shopping Malls High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy suhu tokyo january 2019
Japanese Shopping Malls High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy from

HDI (2019) 0938 sangat Singapura mengalami iklim iklim hutan hujan tropika tanpa peralihan musim yang ketara suhu dan tekanan yang setara kelembapan tinggi dan curahan hujan yang lebat Suhunya adalah di antara 22 hingga 34 °C (716 hingga 932 °F) Purata kelembapan relatifnya sekitar 90% pada waktu pagi dan 60% pada waktu petang Ketika hujan lebat.

Singapura Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas


Japanese Shopping Malls High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy

List of cities by average temperature Wikipedia
