Surat Al Maidah Ayat 11. AlMaidah is 5 surah (chapter) of the Quran with 120 verses (ayat) this is QS 511 english translate QuransurahAlMaidah11 image and Transliteration Y a ayyuh a alla th eena a manoo o th kuroo niAAmata All a hi AAalaykum i th hamma qawmun an yabsu t oo ilaykum aydiyahum fakaffa aydiyahum AAankum wa i ttaqoo All a ha waAAal a All a hi falyatawakkali almuminoon a.
Surah Al Maidah Arab Latin Latest Version For Android Download Apk from
SurahAl Maidah (The Table Spread with Food) 11 Verse verse Al Maidah (The Table Spread with Food) 11 511 O you who believe! remember Allah´s favor on you when a people had determined to stretch forth their hands towards you but He withheld their hands from you and be careful of (your duty to) Allah and on Allah let the believers rely Author The Noble QuranOccupation Quran Translated.
Surah AlMa'idah 1120
Quran 5 Verse 11 Explanation For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of SurahAlMa’idah ayat11 we’ve provided two Tafseer works below The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi the second is of Ibn Kathir.
Surat AlMa'idah Ayat 11
Surat AlMa’idah ayat11 Dalam ayat ini Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala mengingatkan nikmatnikmatNya kepada hambahambaNya yang mukmin dan mendorong mereka untuk mengingatnya baik dengan hati maupun lisan Di antara nikmat itu adalah menghalangi musuh dari menyerang mereka secara tibatiba di mana hal itu merupakan pertolongan Allah kepada mereka yang patut mereka syukuri Kemudian Allah.
Quran surah Al Maidah 11 (QS 5: 11) in arabic and english
AlQur'an Surat AlMaidah Ayat ke11 dan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia.
Surah Al Maidah Arab Latin Latest Version For Android Download Apk
Surah Al Maidah (The Table Spread with Food) Ayat 11, Al
Surat AlMa’idah Ayat 11 Arab, Latin, Terjemahan Arti Bahasa Ayat ke11 AlQur'an Surat AlMaidah
Surah AlMa’idah Ayat 11 (5:11 Quran) With Tafsir My Islam
O you who have believed fulfill [all] contracts 1 Lawful for you are the animals of grazing livestock except for that which is recited to you [in this Qur’ān] hunting not being permitted while you are in the state of iḥrām 2 Indeed Allah ordains what He intends — Saheeh International 52 AlMa'idah 52.