Surat Al Mu Minun 1 11. AlQur’an Surat AlAdiyatSurat ini terdiri atas 11 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Makkiyyah diturunkan sesudah surat Al‘Ashr Nama Al ‘Aadiyaat diambil dari kata Al ‘Aadiyaat yang terdapat pada ayat pertama surat ini artinya yang berlari.
Al Mu Minun Ayat 29 By Muslim Ummah from
Surat AlBaqarah (The Cow) سورة البقرة بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 21 to top Sahih International Alif Lam Meem 22 to top Sahih International This is the Book about which there is no doubt a guidance for those conscious of Allah 23 to top Sahih International Who believe in the unseen establish prayer and spend out of what We have provided for.
Surat AlBaqarah The Noble Qur'an القرآن الكريم
AlQur’an Surat ArRahmanSurat Ar Rahmaan terdiri atas 78 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Madaniyyah diturunkan sesudah surat Ar Ra’du Dinamai Ar Rahmaan (Yang Maha Pemurah) diambil dari perkataan Ar Rahmaan yang terdapat pada ayat pertama.
Al Mu Minun Ayat 29 By Muslim Ummah
AlQur’an Surat AlAdiyat (Terjemahan Indonesia
AlQur’an Surat ArRahman (Terjemahan Indonesia
The Noble Surat AlBaqarah [2:284286] Qur’an القرآن
Surat AlBaqarah [verses 284286] To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it Allah will bring you to account for it Then He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills and Allah is over all things competent.